Pastoral Search Committee


King of Peace – Congregational Survey update 2-22-23

Pastoral Search Timeline 2-13-23


  • We are nearing the finish line! 2nd round interviews are completed and the team met last Sunday after church to have an open discussion of the candidates. We are continuing our discernment and due diligence, and hope to have an announcement soon.


  • We will continue to get the packet finished and ready to go. We also plan to schedule a meeting with UFMCC liaison to review our packet and plan. They will not put out the call for a Senior Pastor Candidate until we have secured a new place to worship. If you have any other questions for the Pastoral Search Team, you can email


  • We have nearly completed the first draft of the Pastoral Packet. In our next meeting we will go over the Welcome Letter, Church profile and pulling out stats for the Congregation by the Numbers.


We continue to refine the items for the Pastoral Packet. In the last 2 weeks we have:

  • Used the information from the survey to determine the 24 Applicant Interview Questions to allow the PS Team to cover all the important items in an organized Interview process.
  • Completed the KOP History Summary page. Through this effort we have also generated a KOP History Timeline of locations, pastors and activities which we will submit to leadership for a possible resource to build on going forward.



The Pastoral Search Team has identified several milestones in our journey to find the
best candidate to serve King of Peace MCC as a settled pastor. We will keep the
congregation informed as we complete each milestone in the process!
The milestones are as follows:
▪ Create Congregational Survey
▪ Create Congregational Profile
▪ Create City/Area Profile
▪ Develop Profile of Ideal Candidate from Congregational Survey
▪ Develop Application Review and Candidate Interview Plan
▪ Notify UFMCC and Advertise for Applications
▪ Review Applications and Select Candidates to Interview
▪ Conduct Second Interview with Top Candidate(s)
▪ Pastoral Search Committee Consensus for Choice of Candidate
▪ Introduce Candidate to Congregation for In-Person Activities
▪ Special Congregational Meeting to Vote for Pastoral Candidate



Covenant of the King of Peace Pastoral Search Committee (PSC) 


    Our Promises to God 

  • We promise to pray, alone and together, to thank God and to ask for God’s help in our lives and in our work for our church, and we pray for the strength to act as we listen to God’s answer to us.

    Our Promises to Our Church Family

  • We promise to support the mission, vision, and values of King of Peace and UFMCC.
  • We promise to demonstrate our leadership and commitment to our church by our example.
  • We promise to represent all members of the church body, inclusive of all congregants. We know we are put in place to act in the best interest of our church, not just ourselves or some small group in the church.
  • We promise to communicate decisions made by the committee with unity.
  • We promise to support through prayer, encouragement and feedback our church’s leadership and UFMCC staff supporting us in this process.

 Our Promises to Each Other as Leaders

  • We promise to treat our time in leadership on the PSC as an important gift to our church.
  • We promise to be in a spirit of mutual respect and care for each other creating a safe space to discuss, debate, and disagree openly. We promise to express ourselves and any concerns clearly, respectfully and honestly, so we are certain our point of view is understood.
  • We promise to be team players, to listen with open, nonjudgmental minds to the words and ideas of the others in committee, in our church and in leadership. We will allow everyone time to process information and the opportunity to speak whatever their personality or learning style and to refrain from after session communications that undermine our process, decisions or plans.
  • We understand that the pastoral job search is a sensitive matter and promise to maintain confidentiality and deal responsibly with privileged information, not revealing any information about any candidate to anyone outside the committee structure until such time as officially appropriate.
  • We promise to use group email and group text as our primary means of communication between meetings. If responses are required, we will attempt to respond within the identified timeframe or if no timeframe is given then within 24-48 hours.
  • I promise to do my best to attend all meetings and miss no more than 4 if at all possible.
  • We promise to ask for help when we need it, to collaborate to accomplish our goals and to hold one another responsible to this covenant.